Page name: X-Men Danger Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-06-15 06:09:56
Last author: Asdroth
Owner: Veltzeh
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By far the most important room to the general population of the mansion, the danger room doesn't look like much when first entered from the X-Men Complex South hall. But unseen inside the walls are numerous high tech holographic projectors. The center of the floor is a slightly raised platform with more projectors within and a track that moves to allow an ultimate amount of space to exist. A panel on the wall next to the door controls the entire room and can be accessed using the correct codes. Practically any scenario is possible in this room, and it is mainly used for training and power practice.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

So, Shawn was going to have to go first. He pulled out a spare magazine from his bag and loaded it up, putting it to one side before looking down at the range. He knew the timer would start with his first shot. His tactic would be to deal with the closer targets first. As he lined up a shot with the nearest silhouette, a cough tickled his throat as he fired, causing the shot to totally miss any of the targets. He quickly pulled back the bolt, the timer already silently ticking away. He aimed at the target again and quickly fired, the shot hitting the center of the head. Shocked at his luck, he pulled the bolt and aimed at the next - it was sliding left and right and he decided a chest shot would be more likely to hit. The third shot hit the middle of the chest, not bad. Bolt back, shell ejected, new round in chamber, aim at a medium distance target popping up from the ground, fire. Another head hit! He was grinning despite needing to stay focussed. Readying the last round in his magazine, he aimed at another near target, looking to take it in the head. The bullet passed through where the target's left eye would have been. He had little time left as he ejected the last casing, slid his empty magazine out of his rifle, and plugged the new one into place. He aimed down range at a target fairly central to him, but down range. The shot went wide, the head being his target. Already pulling back the bolt on his rifle, a claxon sounded indicating his time was up. He sighed and stood back to check the score on his display. "10. I can live with that." A sudden thought came to him. "What do we get if we win? Anyone want to suggest a prize?"

"Of course I know how to fire an AR," Kiora called over the sound of Shawn's shots, "What do you think I am, a ninny?" She watched Shawn take his shots with a smirk in her lips. "Not bad for a bolt action." She said almost tauntingly once he finished. When he said something about a prize she bounced, raising a hand as David's rifle rested against her opposite shoulder, "Oh! Oh! I know! I can give the winner a kiss!"

"Well no, it's just not like a pistol." David Purked up at the offer of a kiss with Kiora. Was she wanting him to win so she could kiss him?! Did she want to be his girl?! David was thinking with his head in the clouds at the moment, and had trouble thinking of the alternative. If he lost to Shawn.

Shawn's blush was mainly hidden by the chitin on his face - Kiora looked great in spite of the fur. His mind wandered to whether her fur would be coarse or soft. He returned to focussing on the conversation at hand. "Sounds fine by me, but what if you win? What could you possibly want?" He wondered whether his score was high enough to win and find out about Kiora's fur. He found himself tracing the shape of her body with his eyes and immediately turned his attention to David with an innocent face.

"Of course it's not like a pistol, silly." Kiora told David before looking between the two boys, they both seemed to like her idea. When Shawn asked what she would win, she grinned at him, "Then I guess I don't have to kiss anybody." She said, sticking her tongue out, "Though I guess it would be only fair if I got a kiss for winning too."

David Smiled and let the slide forward on his pistol as if not hearing Kiora's comment and fired away down the range his shots feel well at first two head shots, but then the next three landed in the torso, followed by a round barly hitting the target. The last four feel some what better in place. Three legs and then one fine one in the neck. "fourteen... Great..." David muttered to himself. There was no way Kiora was going to shoot less than that... She had a large mag and almost no recoil off the rifle- David then shrugged. "If you win you pi
ck who you kiss?" He offered her sliding the mag out and then letting the slide on his pistol go forward as he placed it back into his holster. "Sound fare to you Shawn?"

"Definitely fair," Shawn said, trying to act nonchalant while cleaning the end of his rifle's barrel, wiping away the cordite dust. He tried to not let David's score bother him, tried to remind himself that he'd been using a bolt-action rifle and David had a semi-automatic pistol. It would be interesting to see how Kiora did.

Kiora smiled smugly. She knew she could probably get all 30 rounds off in a minute, this should be a cake walk. She shouldered the rifle and liked up a shot with the red dot sight. Her first ten shots or so were mediocre, hitting the outside of the silhouette, with a couple shots narrowly missing. After that she seemed to be warming up a bit, her shot groups tightening a bit to avoid any misses, but her last ten or so shots mostly went wide or barely winged targets. She lowered the weapon, frowning. With one head shot, a couple hearts, and the rest single point hits and misses she'd tied David with fifteen points.

Shawn's eyes widened. This was an interesting development. "So. We need a tie break." He rubbed at the chitinous patch on his chin. "How about most accurate quick draw? Go from 'at ease' to firing in less than a second, bullseye targets?"

Davids Ears were killing his and his head was hurting. If the range was outdoor he would gladly go again, but in here it was just to much. "I'll give it to Kiora." The truth was he didn't want to pull the trigger again. His ears already felt like they were going to fall off.

Kiora grinned almost preditorily, "You sure you don't want to fight me for it?" She asked with a wink, "Otherwise, I may just make you both give me a kiss."

"Up to you, man," Shawn said with as neutral a face as possible. He had a feeling that there was some connection between the others already, but he couldn't help feel attracted to the blue-furred mutant - she was shapely, and had a wild beauty. Still, he didn't want to antagonise the animalistic David in any way - maybe, if he was 'forced' to kiss Kiora, he could make it minimal enough to seem not that into it, but good enough that she might want to come back for more.

David stood there a moment then Shrugged. What was one more round... "I'll shoot one more time." David reloaded his pistol then got an idea. "Ever do a ready up Kiora?" He asked with an interesting idea in mind. They could shoot until one missed a target, odds were with Kioras carless style she would miss before him.

"I don't think so." Kiora shook her head, "What is it?" She was sure it was probably some sort of training exercise, so she may have done it before, but she'd never heard the term.

"So what a series of targets are going to populate and disappear. The targets can be up for as long as two seconds or as short as half a second. If you miss six or more targets you loose." David decided to keep it to himself that the targets at closer ranges would drop faster than the ones at father distance. He hopped this would work in his favor as he set up the next round.

"Alright." Kiora said brightly, "I've done something like that before." She'd never had fancy targets that popped up on their own, but she'd done similar exercises. "Want your AR back? Or do you want to keep using my pistol?"

This could be interesting. Shawn made sure his rifle was safe for stowing before bagging it and then took up a position not far from the two furred mutants. "I think you both need to use the same weapon. If you guys aren't equally matched between rifles and pistols then that's that. Question is, which weapon do you use?" He pulled a quarter from his pocket and held it out on his thumb ready to flip. "Let fate decide?"

"Heads rifle, tails pistols?" David asked Kiora with a grin. He hopped for rifles. It would be easier for Kiora to get trigger happy with more rounds.

"Ooh, sounds good to me." Kiora said with a confident nod. She didn't care too much which weapon they used.

With a quick flick of his thumb, Shawn sent the coin up into the air and deftly caught it in one of his palms. He revealed it to the other two: "Tails," he announced before pocketing the quarter again. "All yours, guys, time to settle this draw."

"You first Kiora." David Smiled to her, hopping she would not do to well. It would also let him know how much time he had before he needed to stop.

X-Men Complex South

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2010-06-02 [Figgy]: That's what I was thinking at one point. XD

2010-06-02 [Roma]: Ooooh, good name. As soon as Figgy gives me the ok, I'll edit the characters page.

2010-06-02 [Duredhel]: Whiplash is a character from the Iron Man franchise who uses electrified whips :3

2010-06-02 [Figgy]: Lol, yeah, I'm not gonna use that name :P I'm still thinking of something clever :P

2010-06-03 [Roma]: Oh, well Roma has never read IM. Hmmm...lesse...Bolt? Wait, no, that's now a lame movie about a dog. Flash? Already taken, and also an unsavory verb. Yer on yer own, kiddo. XP

2010-06-03 [Duredhel]: Impulse, could be cool.

2010-06-03 [Roma]: Now, I'm confused. Is Summer constantly hot? Or is she not sending out heatwaves? I need clarification before I GM post.

2010-06-03 [Figgy]: Impulse sounds cool. Reminds of of an overdrive from FFX. I was thinking Current, too, but I think there's already an X-Men named that.

2010-06-03 [Lepellier]: She's kinda been resonating heat from the beginning. Not as intense as a burst, but hotter than normal air (110 deg, maybe?)

2010-06-03 [Figgy]: I'll edit my post to be more suitable to that heat.

2010-06-03 [Roma]: Ok, I'll keep that in mind. If you could mention that once in all of your posts, that'd help things. Yanno, in case we read these fights later when we're old. :D

2010-06-04 [Duredhel]: Uhhm... the RP has been slowing down to a near-catatonic state... this is just a suggestion but... given the fact Roma is busy with her move and Araglas is nowhere to be seen.. maybe we should put off the rest of the fights for a bit?

Given the fact that most regular interactions don't need GM input, maybe it will make the Rp a bit more lively...

2010-06-04 [Figgy]: That sounds fine to me. It's taken nearly a month for just a couple fights :/

2010-06-04 [Duredhel]: It will be up to the Romaperson tho :3. But hey, everyone's gotten a chance to fight ;) (maybe not all the characters, but all the players)

2010-06-04 [Veltzeh]: Characters could have an extended lunch break!

2010-06-04 [Ms. Steel]: Sounds like a plan. :-)

2010-06-04 [Araglas]: I apologize for my extended absence...I had a death in the family and was not able to tell anyone so I apologize everyone

2010-06-04 [Sturmi]: I'm sorry to hear that [Araglas] :(

lunch break sounds like a good idea

2010-06-04 [Roma]: Bah, I haven't been busy with my move, things have been crazy on the farm. CRAZY. And internet has been slow. And now I hear that one of my players has experienced a death! I'm very sorry Araglas - my thoughts are with you.

Well, it's past lunch - X-Men Time, but sure, if people are bored (and I can sense they are), we should postpone the rest of the fights until a later time. Once this fight is over, consider it free time.

2010-06-04 [Veltzeh]: Extended dinner break?

2010-06-04 [Priest Kel]: Sorry for your loss Araglas. Prayers are with you

2010-06-05 [Araglas]: Thanks everyone that means alot coming from all of you. I will be able to post, it keeps me busy which is a good thing..^_^

2010-06-05 [The Past]: I so feel bad I didn't comment earlier to say sorry about your loss Araglas, I know our words won't help that much but all the best wishes to you and your family during this time. *hug*

2010-06-06 [Lepellier]: Aye Arg, best of wishes to you and your family with this.

2010-06-06 [Figgy]: Agreed with everyone above; prayers are with you, best of wishes, sorry for your loss. I'm terrible with comforting words. :/

2010-06-06 [Araglas]: Thank you everyone, all your words are touching and are felt in my heart. It is only a matter of time before I am finally able to get better. Everyone here, is helping me to do that. Thank you all.

2010-06-07 [Roma]: C'mon Shade!

2010-06-07 [Priest Kel]: Dang...I end up taking a day off for my b-day and end up with TONS of changes to observe

2010-06-07 [Roma]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Why did ET not tell me when it was?

2010-06-07 [Priest Kel]: ET might not know lol I don't particularly care enough about it to celebrate. I had a cake with ice cream and a few family members around me but that was it.

2010-06-08 [Figgy]: I'm assuming Light and Summer need to wait for Shade to make a door into the kitchen.

2010-06-08 [Roma]: Jumped on the bandwagon - all Shade has to do now is make the door to the kitchen and it's finally all set. Funny how his shadowporting is supposed to be super fast and it's taken ages to get them all to the kitchen XP

2010-06-08 [Figgy]: I know XD

2010-06-08 [Duredhel]: There IS a door to the kitchen :O, the teleportation is supposed to be instant, there's no place inside the shadow, its just like a doorway, go in one end, come out the other. Light and Summer should've emerged in the kitchen as soon as they stepped into the shadow >_< I can't post with Shade until they do.

2010-06-08 [Figgy]: Ohhh.

2010-09-22 [La Luna]: ooh so THIS is the famed danger room

2010-10-11 [Priest Kel]: Aaaaaand out pops a Sabertooth droid!

2010-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: That would suck XD lol

2010-10-11 [Veltzeh]: Figgy, do you want to play Danger Room or should I? X)

2010-10-11 [Figgy]: I'll do it, for now at least. But it'll be a couple hours before I can post anything. ;)

2010-10-12 [Priest Kel]: Sabertooth droid! Sabertooth droid! Ooooh! Bring out the Juggernaut!

2010-10-12 [Veltzeh]: Massive safety protocol override right there. X)

2010-10-12 [Priest Kel]: Well, things have malfunctioned at the mansion before

2010-10-13 [Figgy]: Crap, sorry guys. I'm so fucking busy with shit and I keep forgetting to GM post stuff. I should have time to do this tomorrow :3

2010-10-13 [Duredhel]: You could pass off DR stuff to Veltz

2010-10-13 [Figgy]: If Veltz wants to do it, Veltz is more than welcome to do it.

2010-10-13 [Veltzeh]: I don't even know what all there could be in a gym so I guess we can make more stuff up as we go. X)

2010-11-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: I'mma post Jacob tomorrow.

2010-11-07 [Duredhel]: :<

2010-11-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: I posted.

2010-11-07 [Figgy]: Nnnnooooo...????

2010-11-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: huh?

2010-11-07 [Figgy]: No post. Not after Daniela's.

2010-11-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh, ffs.

2010-11-09 [Figgy]: Vicious, kinda holding up the plot here. Post please? >.>

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: Sorry, I've tried posting like three times and it just isn't working.

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: IT WORKED.

2010-11-09 [Roma]: Unless you're talking about technical difficulties (which, if you are, you should report them so we can get this rolling), then a lousy post is still better than holding people up.

2010-11-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: it was technical difficulties and I think it was just my computer or something. anyway I posted, and it finally worked and I'm gonna report the problems.

2010-12-16 [windowframe]: "satisfiedly" so totally isn't a word. <_<

2010-12-16 [Flisky]: I do that...make up words because there isn't a word to describe what I'm trying to say.

2010-12-16 [windowframe]: And how thoroughly do you check that first, hmmmmm? *interrogates*

2010-12-16 [Flisky]: I do check! I have online dictionaries and thesauruses on internet speed dial.

2010-12-16 [Veltzeh]: I'm limited by Finnish. That's one way how we make new words. >_> Of course, I suppose I could write "in a satisfied manner"...

2010-12-16 [Veltzeh]: Of course, the next obvious question is: when is it okay to add -ly to an adjective and when is it not? X)

2010-12-16 [windowframe]: When it ends in -y. :o If it doesn't end in -y, -l, or -ble, then I don't *think* you can turn it into an adverb.

2010-12-16 [Veltzeh]: Cold, coldly? Also, I thought whether it could be the verb-made-adjective that couldn't be turned into an adverb, but then I remembered hurried and hurriedly...

2010-12-16 [windowframe]: I knew there would be some exceptions I hadn't thought of. :P the -y, -l, -ble endings is the only semi-explanation I can think of, though.

2010-12-16 [Veltzeh]: If only languages were completely logical and consistent. ;) I've still got to learn Lojban, though I find it pretty neat. The only problem with Lojban is that what I can remember of it, it was very difficult for a Finn to pronounce. Then again, it's not like I'd be very bothered by something like speaking. >_>

2010-12-17 [Priest Kel]: I am sooo serious this time. There should be like a danger room malfunction or something

2010-12-17 [Duredhel]: I love my spanish :3 it makes no fucking sense but it sounds so pretty.

2010-12-18 [Flisky]: ...Luna, wrong name, I think.

2010-12-18 [La Luna]: Dang it. I really need a nap. Thanks Flisk.

2010-12-18 [Flisky]: No problem. ^_^

2010-12-18 [Veltzeh]: Okay, the grammar nazi strikes once again. :P
[La Luna]: Remember to put a space between the last word and the quotation mark that begins a quotation: "Like so."

Quotation: "Like so."
          ^ space!

[NinjaBasco]: The last sentence of your post is incomprehensible. You also have quite a few confused words: the first "when" (??), "maps", "strached", last "then". Also "no one" has a space and it's imperative that you put a comma in this sentence: "...Capoeira stance, moving back..."

I'll just wait for you to fix those. :)

2010-12-18 [La Luna]: Fixed I hope I caught every thing :) And your not a Nazi, your not killing a whole singled out group of organized people.

2010-12-18 [Veltzeh]: That's what people who nitpick this much about grammar are usually called, though I guess it can be seen as rather insulting... :o
(Also, "your" is a possessive pronoun and "you're" means "you are".)

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: The only thing that I don't understand is the first "when" and it is wrong. Could you please tell me so I don't make the same mistake and i will be able to catch next time.

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: [NinjaBasco]: Well, you fixed the first "when" anyway, but not in the way I thought you would, so I guess its problem was just complexity and ambiguity for the most part. The last sentence is still incomprehensible though... it's almost as if you're using "when" as a verb.

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: that was suppose to be went. sorry

2010-12-19 [Danboo]: lol, Velts deduced from his amazing analyzing skills that "when" wasn't supposed to be there.. XD, You're awesome.

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: [Danboo]: And you could fix that comment... X)

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: [La Luna]: Seriously, you're making the same mistake in your posts over and over again.

2010-12-19 [La Luna]: Ergh sorry [Veltzeh] I'll fix it

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: Thanks. :)

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: I take it I did not mess up this time.

2010-12-19 [Figgy]: How about you proofread it and see for yourself? Everyone should be proofreading their posts >.>

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: Don't mean to up set you [Figgy] just wanted help with any grammer mistakes I might have.

2010-12-19 [Figgy]: You aren't upsetting me. I thought everyone learned to proofread their writings in 5th grade. :/

2010-12-19 [La Luna]: Hehe I loved 5th grade xD

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: I am not sure about one of the sentance that I wrote but I don't know how to change it? May I please have some assitance with it? Here is the sentance: "I mean that sometimes you need to step back and get help from someone more suited for the job then take the burden on by yourself and possibly get killed."

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: Just in case you might be wondering about the song he is listening to here is a link.

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: [NinjaBasco]: just replace your "then" with "than". (Then means time, than is comparative.) Other than that, I'd put a comma or two in it for clarity, but English is a little iffy on its commas. I think that there should be a comma before the "than".

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: Thank you. I put it up there and I think I got all the other stuff.

2010-12-19 [La Luna]: Heh I like the song, Laurels certainly going to be dancing a bit ^.^

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: [NinjaBasco]: I fixed your other post... You keep misspelling both Laurel's and Michael's names, the possessive form of "them" is "their", the term for expressing place is "there" and if you need to write "there are", they are two different words. The post I just fixed had really bad run-on sentences. Remember that if you write two sentences, they are separated by a full stop.

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: sorry sorry sorry

2010-12-19 [Veltzeh]: I recommend that everyone reads their posts at least four times over after writing them and tries each time to weed out all the errors. Even I do that. X)

2010-12-19 [La Luna]: Thanks for fixing my off [Veltzeh] ^^

2010-12-19 [NinjaBasco]: The thing is I did fix it like five times. lol sorry again.
Also WOOT dancing.

2010-12-20 [Danboo]: Wouldn't it be better to keep add "to" after it? It sounds smoother to me that way.

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: Yeah, I agree with Danboo. "To" should be after than, not a comma.

2010-12-20 [Danboo]: Rather move the comma before than, then it'll sound good.

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: No, comma is not needed.

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: I'mma add commas and a semicolon where they are needed.

2010-12-20 [NinjaBasco]: thank you for all the help

2010-12-20 [Danboo]: lol, i've never been good at using a semi-colon.

2010-12-20 [Veltzeh]: Yay, even I'm not always right. XD

2010-12-20 [NinjaBasco]: don't have time to read over post sorry

2010-12-20 [windowframe]: You're still spelling Michael's name wrong, you wrote 'to' instead of 'too' and 'fourth' instead of 'forth'.

2010-12-20 [Veltzeh]: Also: "then" is for time and "than" for comparison. :)

2010-12-20 [windowframe]: That seems to be a peculiarly American mistake - along with 'since' and 'sense'.

2010-12-20 [Veltzeh]: It's odd... they're even pronounced differently, so what is there to be confused about? :o

2010-12-20 [windowframe]: One of my two American lecturers says them in a way which is very similar (The 'i' in since and then 'a' in than both sort of turn into e-ish sounds) so I always assumed it was to do with how some Americans pronounce them.

2010-12-21 [Ms. Steel]: A lot of Americans say 'since', but it sounds like 'sense'. Definitely in this region, anyway.

2010-12-21 [Roma]: Perhaps its the benefit of living with an editor, or maybe its my particular brand of the midwest, but I can always hear a very distinct difference between "than, then, since, sense." I hate it when they confuse "pin" with "pen."

2010-12-21 [Figgy]: The southeast of the States has a BIG problem with pronunciation. (You probably all know this anyways >.>) I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but sense and since both sounds like "siyuhnce" (yes, with TWO syllables) when most people in Alabama pronounce them. I'm probably guilty of it too, though I really try to have what I consider a neutral accent and correct pronunciation of stuff. I hate the southern accent with a passion. XD It's so bad.

2010-12-21 [La Luna]: I'm pretty sure all over the U.S they have problems, especially her in New York, our accent is wretched. We pronounce things like say Long Island its Lawn Guyland, don't even get me started about since and sense.

2010-12-21 [Danboo]: er... I'm pretty much deaf, so everything sounds the same.. HA beat that! XP

2010-12-21 [windowframe]: Is everything in your life hilarious, Danboo? <_<

2010-12-22 [Danboo]: No, but I try not to take to much seriously, more towards an indifference than anything

2010-12-22 [Veltzeh]: [Figgy]: want to bring some teacher in so we could get the training on the way? And if Kaider should be refereeing, someone needs to tell em that. X) However, I propose that for the first fight, Teena fights with someone and Kaider watches so I don't have to referee my own character.

2010-12-23 [NinjaBasco]: sorry i promise i am going to post it has been crazy at my house with Chirstmas so near I am sorry

2010-12-26 [windowframe]: Semicolons: not for using when you sort of want a colon.

2010-12-26 [NinjaBasco]: Luna is out for the holidays so this won might freeze for a bit and I am sorry about my grammar. I try to post when I have time so i dont freeze it. She should be back sometime in January.

2010-12-26 [windowframe]: I wasn't criticising your grammar. :o

2010-12-28 [NinjaBasco]: should i go ahead and post just wondering?

2010-12-28 [Priest Kel]: It was originally you, myself, and then Laurel. Plus Michael is involved in a mission and Figgs has directed us to gather for said missions soon

2010-12-28 [NinjaBasco]: I will take that as a yes. Did Figgs tell you that you were in the mission?

just wondering

2010-12-30 [Roma]: I know that this is a bit late to be commenting on, but Figgy, when I first glanced over your comment of "siyuhnce" I read it as science. And then said over and over to myself how it was two syllables.

2010-12-30 [Priest Kel]: I know I'm in a mission, but Michael needs more of a reason to stop the spar. And besides, I believe I know how the mission is supposed to start and if I am right (I was given insider info Figgy) then it starts with Michael getting a phone call.

2010-12-30 [Priest Kel]: I posted as I did because I couldn't see the logic of feinting a kick, which a spin kick would have to use the same leg, towards the head but the real target being the ankle. I just couldn't understand how it would be possible and not get taken advantage of. My reference for what a spin kick was: and go down to "traditional back kick" in the article.

2010-12-30 [Figgy]: Oh! I'll have him get a text message right now!

2010-12-30 [Priest Kel]: ^_^ And I will post in response after Everett's post

2010-12-30 [Roma]: XD

2010-12-30 [Figgy]: Okay, text message will come later, caaaause... Dur and I kinda need to plan stuff. Sorry, been a bit busy >.>

2010-12-30 [Priest Kel]: Sounds good to me

2010-12-30 [NinjaBasco]: the move was more like a break dancing move then a maritial arts move he was spinning no his hand around. The kick to the head would have never reached even if it was aimed for it. Everett was using both legs.

Here is a good way to discribe his fighting style if you have ever played Tekken the He fights a lot like Eddy. THe only diffrance is that he can incorperate his own ability in to the fighting style.

2010-12-31 [Priest Kel]: Then I believe you need to clarify that a bit more. Michael is largely self-taught, but can recognize when someone is about to do something that complex. Also, I see no reason to try and feint a kick to the head if it couldn't hit regardless. He wouldn't fall for it

2010-12-31 [Roma]: Ahh, this just reminds me of the official spars. Free form RPing with fresh meat can be such a kick in the pants. >_>

2010-12-31 [Duredhel]: ... the world would be a much better place if everyone used RoL system >,>

2010-12-31 [Priest Kel]: I know I'm not the best RPer in the world, but I am at least trying to keep the fight as simple as I can

2010-12-31 [Priest Kel]: Regardless, I'll change my post if it so pleases the various spectators. What do you say NB?

2010-12-31 [Duredhel]: I don't think Roms was complaining about you Kel, we know you're good.

2010-12-31 [Priest Kel]: I know she wasn't, but I don't want NB to take the criticism too harshly. Plus, I have sinister ideas for how this fight can/will end

2010-12-31 [Roma]: I know that capoeira is flashy and can be a very effective fighting style, however if Everett only learned enough to defend himself, which is what is indicated in his profile, then he's still an aluno. Student. So he's probably got some attacks but nothing that's going to stop the show, see?

NB, you're just trying to do too much in your posts. Its ok for the action ones to be a little shorter and more concise to wait for Michael's reaction. Its super easy to be lured into seeing the fight in your head and make it something awesome, but one foot in front of the other if better in this case. :)

2010-12-31 [Priest Kel]: And by the way Dur, thanks for the compliment ;)

2011-01-01 [NinjaBasco]: None of his attacks would "stop the show" as you put it. They are mostly to trip and reveal an opening for him. Everett is not that strong so he would AT MOST give Micheal a bruise, as if some one froged him in the muscle. I am sorry I am use to planing my next move in a fight. It is something i do in real life and it transfered over sorry. I never see everything so niether do my Chars, hince Everett getting hit by the punch. I am sorry i suck so much and I am sorry that I am bad with grammar and if you want me to leave i will.

To let everyone I have a thing with people jacking with my crap with out asking me. IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF. So if you want to mess with my chars please ask me first or tell me what is wrong so i can fix it.

2011-01-01 [Duredhel]: ... now where's what Whaaambulance? >,>

dude, chill.

2011-01-01 [The Past]: *gets out the popcorn* :T

2011-01-01 [NinjaBasco]: Oh and [Priest Kel] thank you for trying to look out for me.

[Duredhel] thank you that was much needed

2011-01-02 [Roma]: Yeeeeaaah, this whole mission thing is kinda supposed to be getting underway, and we need Michael for one so this fight really needs to end.

2011-01-02 [Priest Kel]: So am I changing my post or not?

2011-01-02 [The Past]: TOPIC CHANGE: Would some of the senior students, such as Flame and Kaider and so on, have access to other forms of DR setups? Not the the same battle degree as teacher program, but enough to get a bit more action than just gym? Also, active profiles, so they would have to code in or something to activate the privilage to do this? :B

2011-01-02 [Figgy]: I'm sure they would.

2011-01-02 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, I've been playing under that premise. X)

2011-01-03 [NinjaBasco]: Question for [Priest Kel] could Everett hear Micheal's foot steps?

2011-01-03 [Veltzeh]: People currently in the room: Teena, Laurel, Michael, Everett, Flame, Squid.

2011-01-04 [Priest Kel]: Yes, but Everett's disorientation would still leave an opening for Michael

2011-01-06 [Priest Kel]: Waiting on Veltz

2011-01-06 [Veltzeh]: Teena isn't participating in the fight though, no need to wait for that.

2011-01-06 [Priest Kel]: Works for me

2011-01-06 [Figgy]: Through. >.> Threw is the past tense form of throw.

2011-01-06 [Priest Kel]: And I'm wondering how he is still pointing his hand at Michael whilst in an arm bar

2011-01-06 [Duredhel]: Dude.. Basco, read figgs' last comment. Now read your comment. Now read figgs' last comment. Repeat until something clicks.

2011-01-08 [The Past]: Sorry for the God mode here, but nothing is moving in the room so having Flame take it over instead of just standing around watching.

2011-01-08 [Roma]: By all means, [The Past], take it away. XD

2011-01-09 [Veltzeh]: [NinjaBasco]: I fixed your last three posts, check it out:

2011-01-09 [Veltzeh]: Now in the series of apparently often confused words: Threw is the past tense of throw. Through is an adverb that expresses that something moves, well, through something else (damn, I can't think of another way to say it). Thorough is an adjective meaning "complete". A trough is a concave container. A thought is what one has when thinking. Though is a conjunction. Too means "also" or expresses an excess of something (too much). To is a preposition. Two is a number.

Just for the record, sometimes I hate and love English at the same time.

2011-01-09 [The Past]: *applauds*

2011-01-11 [Priest Kel]: Will wait for Everett's post. Also, shouldn't Flame get some sort of brainstorm for the circus soon?

2011-01-11 [Roma]: I see two ways this can go so someone vote:

1. Flame decides against the training thing and goes to the kitchen or something so they can find the circus.

2. Hound makes it down there with the list of trainees she's supposed to have and boots the others out.

2011-01-11 [NinjaBasco]: I think this whole adventure might be leading to the thought of the circus.

2011-01-11 [The Past]: Well, I don't see option one happening 'naturally' since she did just start the sim, seems strange to suddenly walk out when she was leading up to this for Squid. So I personally say number 2.
Also, I personally see her circus as more a nighttime based thing, so unless they are going to go and see behind the scene stuff it's the wrong time of day to head out anyways but *shrug*

2011-01-11 [Priest Kel]: I vote option 2

2011-01-11 [Roma]: XD Enter Hound

2011-01-11 [Veltzeh]: Teena is inside a trash can now. Well, unless Hound came in before she did that...

2011-01-11 [Flisky]: ...Why is Teena in a trash can?

2011-01-11 [Veltzeh]: Read from the part where Flame says "Ok kids, time to play tag." :)

2011-01-11 [Flisky]: Ah. I see. ^_^ Thanks for explaining, Vel!

2011-01-12 [Roma]: Got it

2011-01-13 [Veltzeh]: Should I go and post or wait for [Rice] to fix Ricin's post?

2011-01-13 [Roma]: Post. Rice sometimes goes AWOL. I am however waiting for Everett since he'll come back to a wall of text as it is.

2011-01-13 [Rice]: Oi, I already corrected. Don't get fancy with me gurlfriend.

2011-01-13 [Roma]: Post. Rice sometimes goes AWOL.

2011-01-13 [Flisky]: Woah....deja vu....

2011-01-13 [Veltzeh]: And I already posted. XD

2011-01-14 [The Past]: Oh god! There's a glitch in the Matrix! Run for your life! Agents!

2011-01-14 [Rice]: Either that or [Roma] is being ah DIVAH! *sassy snaps*

2011-01-14 [Roma]: Ok, so do you want me to post or wait for Squid/Everett? And why is it either or? I can be a diva while there's a glitch in the Matrix. XD

2011-01-14 [Rice]: Supreme Diva.....

2011-01-15 [The Past]: Waiting on Hound 9.9


2011-01-15 [Roma]: I know, I was giving Everett one more day. If its not up by tonight then I'm posting ahead, but thanks for the reminder. :D

2011-01-15 [The Past]: That's what I'm here for, to prod and nag u.u

2011-01-17 [Priest Kel]: For the record, Squid's tentacles are not necessarily slimy

2011-01-17 [Roma]: No, but I figured they might be smell differently. I guess I just assumed they wouldn't be covered in human skin.

2011-01-17 [NinjaBasco]: Sorry i have been away i might be away for another week please excuse me

2011-01-17 [Roma]: Could you manage a small post sometime soon, just something that says Everett is aware of what's going on? That would help us a lot. In the future, situations like this where you need to be gone for weeks at a time, are always best if mentioned to the GM.

2011-01-19 [Rice]: [Roma] Ricin has pulled away from Hound and is leaning against a wall, not her anymore.

2011-01-25 [Rice]: Just updated my post. :-)

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